The Pursuit Of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
In a believer's Justification, it is the sacrifice of Christ on their behalf, which provides the forgiveness of sins(through faith in God's Son)and restores communion with God. In the believer's lifelong pursuit of holiness, which is a part of their sanctification, they are not bystanders as in their Justification, but they take part in this work with God the Holy Spirit's assistance-"no one can attain any degree of holiness without God working in his life, but just as surely no one will attain it without effort on his own part." The design of Bridges on holiness is to help Christians better-"understand the proper distinction between God's provision and our own responsibility for holiness."
What is one of the great motives for believers to pursue godly living? Hebrews 12:14 gives us an important motive for a diligent pursuit of godliness-'Pursue holiness, for, without holiness, no one will see the Lord.' No one is saved because they are striving to be more godly, it is not the ground of their salvation, but it is evidence that they have been saved. The sanctifying work of God must be evident, for there to be sound Biblical reason, that an individual has passed from death to life, through faith in God's Son- The Lord Jesus Christ.
No believer is able to live a perfectly holy life. We all fall well short of the perfect holy life that our Savior lived, but we are to strive continually, God helping us, to live a consistently holy life. Many believers become frustrated with their constant failures and are ready to settle for a level of mediocrity, as far as godly living is concerned. Bridges asks this important question -"What should I look to God for and what am I responsible for myself?" Some have answered questions such as this with this counsel-"Let go and let God." The problem with the Let go and let God teaching is that it removes any responsibility or action on our part. Do the Scriptures support this teaching? According to Romans 6:12, we are to reckon ourselves to be dead to sin. Believers are "In Union With Christ," therefore, since Christ died to sin, then we also have died to sin. Since we have died to sin-"...we are not to let sin reign in our mortal bodies." How do we disallow sin to reign in us? "Our will must be influenced by the fact that we died to sin." Sin's dominion is broken when an individual is converted. It no longer has the power to reign over them. We must reckon(or realize)that we are no longer slaves re-sins rule over us. This is a distinguishing mark between children of light and those who remain in darkness. The Word of God explicitly speaks to the ongoing spiritual warfare, in which all the children of God are engaged in. Sins reign over them has been overthrown by their Savior's work on their behalf, but-"...our sinful natures resort to a sort of guerilla warfare to lead us into sin."
If you intensely desire to be more holy, Jerry Bridge's classic and enduring work has helped many to achieve that end, to the praise of God's grace and power working in 'His Children' to accomplish His will.