Around The Wicket Gate

Around The Wicket Gate
Joseph J. Adrian

"Around the Wicket Gate" is one of "The Prince Of Preacher's" enduring classics. It was not written for those who are far from the Kingdom of God (professed atheists, agnostics or——as Spurgeon puts it—-those who have more concern for their dogs and cats than their souls). It is written for those who are "Near the Kingdom" (Matthew 7:13 "Enter ye in at the strait gate"). Those who are "Around the Wicket Gate" are at the gate, but they have not entered in. "A man just outside Noah's ark would have been drowned." This book was written for those who are near the ark, and are in danger of perishing if they don't enter the ark. The ark, no doubt, is a type of Christ.

Spurgeon was "A Physician of Souls." He was gifted by God with great ability to dissect the many varied states in which we find our fellow man. Though faith, in one sense, is instantaneous, it is ordinarily a process-—"we come to faith by degrees . . . we become interested, we consider, we hear evidence, we are convinced, and so led to believe. . . ."

There are various things that can keep someone from entering "The Strait Gate" (from closing with Christ for salvation). I think one of the most common is the reluctance to part with certain sins. "Bosom Sins," as some of the Puritan's called them, are those which are most difficult to let go of. This reluctance, or difficulty, can keep many just outside the gate (to their eternal ruin). "The Lord Jesus has come to save us from sinning; and if we are resolved to go on sinning, Christ and our souls will never agree."

It requires wisdom and discernment in speaking with our fellow man regarding their spiritual state. Spurgeon's "Around the Wicket Gate" can be useful for any we come in contact with (who are "Near the Kingdom," but for whatever reason have not determined to enter the gate, whatever the cost) they are unwilling to sell all they have in order to purchase "The Pearl of Great Price." The author is reasoning with and urging those who are "Near the Kingdom of God" to no longer delay, but enter on the path to "The Celestial City." He has wise counsel for those who have entered the gate-—"Don't trust the Lord in mere sentiment about a few great spiritual things; but trust Him for everything, forever, both for time and eternity, for body and soul." Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will direct your paths."