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Sovereignty of God

Sovereignty of God: Cover

Softcover. New. 368 pp.


Resisting the Devil with a Steadfast Faith

Resisting the Devil with a Steadfast Faith: Cover

Softcover. New. 94 pp.


Call to Delaying Sinners, A

Call to Delaying Sinners: Cover

Softcover. New. 127 pp.

This work really needs no introduction; it would be enough just to let Rev. Doolittle loose on your soul. It is a puritan gem, few of which exist and have been republished in this format.

This treatise was originally a series of sermons preached to his congregation, which he then took and combined into the present treatise. There are 8 sermons, each building upon the former, and all surrounding the need to hasten and come to Jesus Christ quickly. They are succinct, biblically sound, filled with pastoral concern, but equally commanding and authoritative.


God's Sovereignty Displayed

God's Sovereignty Displayed: Cover

Softcover. New. 168 pp.

William Gearing (1625-1690) was a fiery puritan and practical Gospel preacher.


Delivered From All Our Sins

Delivered From All Our Sins: Cover

Softcover. New.

Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622) was a fiery Reformed minister of the Gospel and scholarly puritan divine. He was extremely popular in his day and widely respected as a studious theologian and deep preacher of the Word.


Good Fight of Faith, The

Good Fight of Faith: Cover

Softcover. New. 73 pp.


Assurance of God’s Love, The

Assurance of God’s Love: Cover

Softcover. New. Very slight bumping of lower cover front corner. 122 pp.

Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622) was a Calvinistic puritan divine with a sweet preaching style akin to that of Thomas Watson and a writing style like the practicality of Jeremiah Burroughs. He was an extremely popular puritan in his day.


Christ’s Righteousness Imputed, the Saint’s Surest Plea for Eternal Life

Christ’s Righteousness Imputed, the Saint’s Surest Plea for Eternal Life: Cover

Softcover. New. 71 pp.

Michael Harrison (1640-1729) was a faithful Puritan Minister of the Gospel and a powerful Reformed Presbyterian preacher.


Christian's Combat Against the Devil, The

Christian's Combat Against the Devil: Cover

Softcover. New. Very slight bumping of lower corner front cover.

Christopher Love (1618-1651) was a fiery and practical Puritan preacher.


Doctrine of Man's Future Eternity, The

Doctrine of Man's Future Eternity: Cover

Softcover. New. 100 pp.

In this work, Jackson lays down biblically the doctrine of eternity, and the importance of man’s never-dying soul that hangs in its balance. This being a fundamental point of Christian divinity, it should be “plainly proved, clearly explained, and powerfully applied to us.”

He explains what eternity is in the final four basic tenants of Christian doctrine, death, judgment, heaven, and hell.

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