by Author

Author(s) Title Sell price Buy it now button Image Publication Datesort icon
Bailyn, Bernard Apologia of Robert Keayne: The Self-Portrait of a Puritan Merchant $3.95
Apologia of Robert Keayne: Cover 1964
Jeremias, Joachim Problem of the Historical Jesus, The $2.95
Stillwell, Norma Bird Songs: Adventures and techniques in recording the songs of American birds. $2.95
Bird Songs: Cover 1964
Russell, T. Paul Antelope of New Mexico $2.95
Antelope of New Mexico: Cover 1964
Wigglesworth, Vincent B. Life of Insects, The $8.95
Life of Insects: Cover 1964
Robinson, John A.T. Christian Morals Today $2.95
Christian Morals Today: Cover 1964
Greenlee, J. Harold Concise Exegetical Grammar of New Testament Greek, A $2.00
A Concise Exegetical Grammar of New Testament Greek: Cover 1963—Third Edition; 1969—Fourth Printing
Oppewal, Donald Roots of the Calvinistic Day School Movement (Calvin College monograph series) $2.95
Roots of the Calvinistic Day School Movement: Cover 1963; Fourth printing 1976
Thielicke, Helmut
Spurgeon, C.H.
Encounter with Spurgeon $7.95
Encounter with Spurgeon: Cover 1963; 1975 Reprint
Storer, Tracy Irwin
Usinger, Robert L.
Sierra Nevada Natural History: An Illustrated Handbook $1.25
Sierra Nevada Natural History: Cover 1963; 1973 Seventh Printing