Christian's Directory

Christian's Directory: Cover

Softcover. New. 214 pp.

This work is a directory for the Christian taken from 1 Cor. 7:30-31 in 15 powerful and convicting sermons. Christopher Love says that this text may very well be called “A Christian’s Directory” to guide and direct the Christian in his ordinary course in spite of what he may meet here in the world. If he meets with crosses, troubles, and afflictions, his duty is to “weep as if he wept not.” If he meets with prosperity and outward happiness, then his duty is to “rejoice as if he rejoiced not.” If he is in the working class and he gets a great estate, then his duty is to use his wealth so “as if he possessed it not.” This is an extremely practical discourse that will aid the Christian in the basics of life while he lives in the world. He shows that the Christian is to live moderately, not in excess.

Price: $10.95
Love, Christopher
McMahon, C. Matthew
Puritan Publications
ISBN 13: 
SKU: PJ0004987
Publication Date: