Call to Delaying Sinners, A

Call to Delaying Sinners: Cover

Softcover. New. 127 pp.

This work really needs no introduction; it would be enough just to let Rev. Doolittle loose on your soul. It is a puritan gem, few of which exist and have been republished in this format.

This treatise was originally a series of sermons preached to his congregation, which he then took and combined into the present treatise. There are 8 sermons, each building upon the former, and all surrounding the need to hasten and come to Jesus Christ quickly. They are succinct, biblically sound, filled with pastoral concern, but equally commanding and authoritative.

His central text is taken from Psalm 119:60, “I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.” The sermons cover his main doctrine: that what the blessed and eternal God commands us to do, is to be done with all possible speed, with all haste, without delay.

Doolittle utilizes his time to deal practically with calling unconverted sinners to come to Christ, how that should be accomplished, and also directing converted sinners to make the most of their time since God has in fact saved them graciously.

Price: $9.95
Doolittle, Thomas
Puritan Publications
ISBN 10: 
ISBN 13: 
SKU: PJ0004923
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