Attending the Lord's Table

Attending the Lord's Table: Cover

Softcover. New. 103 pp.

When Christians participate in the Lord’s Supper, which is no ordinary supper, they are partaking of the means of grace. When they take of the bread, they ought to remember and believe that the body of the Lord Jesus Christ was given for a complete remission of all their sins. When they take of the cup, they are to remember and believe that the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was shed for a complete remission of all their sins. And then, they must never believe that they have done their duty when they have merely received the Lord’s Supper. It would signify but little, if after preparing for the supper, examining themselves in light of the supper, receiving the supper, and going their way after the supper, that they do not cast away all sin. To cast off sin is both a preparative for the Lord’s Supper, and must be its consequence, as Tozer faithfully shows.

Tozer guides the reader in understanding the meaning of the supper as a sacrament, how to prepare for the supper, what examination looks like in light of the supper, what to examine before taking the supper (our knowledge, repentance, faith, and love), what to consider about Christ during the supper, and how to practice and live before the face of Christ after we have partaken of the supper.

The subject of this work is not a matter of human learning, but of God’s service. Though grace once conferred cannot be lost, our assurance often lacks strengthening by reason of our manifold temptations. Against these, we are comforted by the remembrance of Christ’s death and passion. His supper teaches us that we stand daily in need of food and strengthening, and so we often receive the supper of the Lord, that our souls may be nourished to life everlasting.

Price: $9.95
Tozer, Henry
Puritan Publications
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SKU: PJ0004677
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