An Alarm to the Unconverted

An Alarm to the Unconverted
Joseph Alleine
Joseph J. Adrian

There is a great change that takes place when anyone is converted. Before conversion, a conscious awareness of God is not present in their mindset, but the new creature in Christ Jesus alters "The bias of the will"——"Now the man has new ends and designs. He now intends God above all, and desires and designs . . . that Christ may be magnified, in him." What brings happiness to an individual? Before being reconciled to his Maker, a man's all in all is to please himself.

Assurance by J.C. Ryle

J.C. Ryle
Joseph J. Adrian

In the chapter, "An Assured Hope Is A True And Scriptural Thing," J.C. Ryle notes that "The Roman Catholic Church" rejects and condemns the notion that any believer can have a confident, settled assurance that Christ has saved them and their soul shall never perish. He then gives this great insight as to why the Roman Church rejects this teaching-—"It offends and annoys them to hear of it. They do not like others to feel comfortable and sure, because they never feel so themselves." The Roman Church is not alone in their dismissal of this doctrine.

The Excellencies Of Christ by A.W. Pink

The Excellencies Of Christ
A.W. Pink
Joseph J. Adrian

How important is it to have an accurate understanding of the Person of Christ? "There is no salvation apart from a true knowledge of Him." All men should desire and diligently pursue wisdom. Where is wisdom to be found? "In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Colossians 2:3. The Apostle Peter exhorts believers to "...grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3:18. Our Lord and Savior is both God and man united in one person.

The Pursuit Of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

The Pursuit Of Holiness
Jerry Bridges
Joseph J. Adrian

In a believer's Justification, it is the sacrifice of Christ on their behalf, which provides the forgiveness of sins(through faith in God's Son)and restores communion with God.

A Holy Life by John Bunyan

A Holy Life
John Bunyan
Joseph J. Adrian

"A Holy Life" is John Bunyan's outstanding exposition of 2 Timothy 2:19, "And let everyone that names the name of Christ, depart from iniquity." He gives nine reasons why all who profess the Lord Jesus Christ should endeavor to be holy. Here are some of them: a. If we are followers of Christ then we should desire to be holy because God is holy. If we love Jesus we should want to be conformed to His image, to be like Him. b. It is God's will that His people be holy, that they depart from iniquity. All believer's should earnestly seek to do God's will.

The Doctrine Of Human Depravity by A.W. Pink

The Doctrine Of Human Depravity
A.W. Pink
Joseph J. Adrian

In the chapter "It's Enormity," A.W. Pink laments two great weaknesses in the theology of the 20th century: "It's teaching concerning God and it's teaching concerning fallen man." Man has sunk much lower due to his fallen nature than many realize - "Sin is infinitely more vile in its nature than any of us realize." The Devil is the author of sin. Sin has brought its devastating effects upon man. "It has completely ruined his nature and brought him under the curse of God." Sin is an infinite evil, for sin is committed against an infinite and glorious being.

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

Knowing God
J.I. Packer
Joseph J. Adrian

What can be more important than knowing God? If you have an intense desire to know God, it should be of great concern to you that you have an accurate knowledge of the One True God. Early in his influential ministry, the 19th century Baptist Preacher C.H.

The Greatness Of The Soul by John Bunyan

The Greatness Of The Soul
John Bunyan
Joseph J. Adrian

John Bunyan lamented in his day, ". . . The horrid neglect that everywhere puts forth itself with reference to eternal salvation." He was convinced that there was one in a thousand (perhaps two in ten thousand) that seriously attend to the salvation of their soul. If Bunyan lived today, I think his concern would be much greater now than it was in his day. All of his books have a strong evangelistic thrust——this book especially. As he is considering this portion of God's Word, ". . .

Harmless As Doves by Thomas Watson

Harmless As Doves
Thomas Watson
Joseph J. Adrian

If the question is asked, "What is a Christian?" I think one of the best responses would be, "The true definition of a Christian is to be "in Christ." If someone is a genuine Christian, what is one of the surest marks of this? He is a "New Creature." Being joined to a visible Church does not make anyone a new creature. To be baptized, or to profess Christ does not mean someone truly possesses Christ.

Satan and His Gospel by A.W. Pink

Satan and His Gospel
A.W. Pink
Joseph J. Adrian

Who is Satan? Does Satan really exist? How does Satan deceive men and women?

Satan is an enemy of God's people. He is an intelligent and powerful being who opposes God and God's Church. One of his devices is to keep people in darkness as to his existence and his activities: "An intelligent enemy always keeps in the background and remains hidden out of sight. It is an important consideration with him that his identity should be concealed." When he deceived Eve, it was through a serpent concealing his true identity.

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