The Life Of Faith by A.W. Pink
The first chapter, "The Design of the Atonement," which originally appeared in "Studies in the Scriptures" and later as a book (Pink's extraordinary work on the atoning work of Christ—"The Satisfaction of Christ"), I don't believe was titled by Pink himself, as it was first published in book form in 1955, three years after Pink's death. He seeks to answer the question, "What was the purpose of the Triune God in sending Christ Jesus into the world?" It was not just to remove barriers to the salvation that God has provided for sinners, nor was it to make men savable (if they would only desire it or pursue it). The work of Christ—the design for His coming—was to fulfill a purpose that was determined before the foundation of the world was laid; "that work was that Christ should make a perfect satisfaction unto God on behalf of each and all of His people." Mr. Pink contends that God has both a supreme and a subservient design in sending "The Christ" into this fallen world-"The supreme design was to display His own glory, the subservient design was to save His elect unto His own glory." Our Majestic God is glorified when His attributes are revealed, when His nature and character are made known. At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow . . . (even every obdurate heart will confess on that great day.) Why? Because all authority in heaven and in the earth has been given to Him. In the Lord Jesus Christ is the culmination of all the counsels of the Godhead—He is Alpha and Omega in the purposes of God. The Triune God is glorified in the God-man, Christ Jesus our Lord. In the Arminian construct of "The Atonement," Christ does not receive the full compensation for "The travail of His soul." Man's almighty will (his supposed free will) is the ultimate determiner of the success of Christ's suffering and death. Part of the work of Christ is overcoming man's obstinate will, which is opposed to God and His ways (also opposed to the welfare of their own souls). "Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power." Psalm 110:3. The Good Shepherd has not just offered His life for the sheep but has given His life for them. He suffered and died so that His sheep might live-"The purpose of Christ's vicarious life and death was that a perfect righteousness should be wrought out for His people and imputed to them by God."
I think the purpose of the publishers of "The Life Of Faith,"—Christian Focus Publications—(first published in 1993) was to serve as an introduction to the richness of A.W. Pink's written ministry, which continues to have significant influence in the 21st century. Excerpts have also been taken from Pink's works on the Holy Spirit, spiritual growth, and prayer, to name a few. If you are not familiar with the writings of this man Of God, this would be an excellent place to start!