All Of Grace
The prince of Preachers states his purpose for writing the book in the introduction - "...nothing short of your finding Christ and heaven is the business aimed at here."
He begins in the 1st chapter, by letting the reader know the objects of God's saving work. In salvation (through the Person and work of His son) God justifies (Who?) - "God justifies the ungodly." Spurgeon wonders if some are surprised at that statement. The Apostle Paul in Romans 4:5a writes that very thing - "to him that works not, but believes on Him that justifies the ungodly." The grace of God is not for the righteous (that is, those who are righteous in their own sight, or by their own standard). God's saving work is not for those who are pure and holy (if they were or could be that in themselves, they would not need a savior), but it is for those who are ungodly (those who have become aware of their sinful condition and know that they need a savior or they will perish). The beginning of God's saving work, in an individual's consciousness, makes them aware of their uncleanness before a thrice Holy God and they need to be rescued from that helpless estate.
In the chapter "By Grace Through Faith," Spurgeon briefly considers "The Fountainhead Of Our Salvation." It is God's grace. Grace removes any possibility of merit on our part, - "It isn't because of anything in them, or that can ever be in them ...." The 19th Century Gospel Minister warns against the error of one fixing their mind on faith (which is the channel of salvation) - "That you forget the grace which is the fountain and source of faith itself." The author gives some additional clarity as to the place which faith has in God's saving work in the chapter - "And, I can do nothing good" - "It isn't great faith but true faith that saves, and the salvation lies not in the faith, but in the Christ in whom faith trusts."
While the Lord God justifies the ungodly, He does not leave them in that state - "If, however, you are troubled about the power of sin . . . and about the tendencies of your nature . . ." - The godly Pastor directs those who are troubled about their sinful nature to "The Promise Of God" in Ezekiel36:29a, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit I will put within you." When God saves an individual they now have both the desire and the ability (God helping them by His Spirit) to walk in God's ways (not perfectly, but purposefully). When they sin, there is a fountain open for sin and uncleanness - the blood of their precious Savior. Everyone that God justifies He also sanctifies.
C.H. Spurgeon was one of God's mighty servants, who was greatly used as an instrument to proclaim God's glorious Gospel to a multitude of lost sinners, and to bless and help God's children to grow in the grace and knowledge of "The Lord Jesus Christ." Spurgeon's heart to see the lost "Won To Christ" can be seen in his concluding exhortation to the lost - "meet me in heaven." All of grace is one of his most widely read books and is a simple, powerful presentation of "The Gospel Of The Grace Of God."