A Holy Life by John Bunyan

A Holy Life
John Bunyan
Joseph J. Adrian

"A Holy Life" is John Bunyan's outstanding exposition of 2 Timothy 2:19, "And let everyone that names the name of Christ, depart from iniquity." He gives nine reasons why all who profess the Lord Jesus Christ should endeavor to be holy. Here are some of them: a. If we are followers of Christ then we should desire to be holy because God is holy. If we love Jesus we should want to be conformed to His image, to be like Him. b. It is God's will that His people be holy, that they depart from iniquity. All believer's should earnestly seek to do God's will.

The Pursuit Of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

The Pursuit Of Holiness
Jerry Bridges
Joseph J. Adrian

In a believer's Justification, it is the sacrifice of Christ on their behalf, which provides the forgiveness of sins(through faith in God's Son)and restores communion with God.

The Excellencies Of Christ by A.W. Pink

The Excellencies Of Christ
A.W. Pink
Joseph J. Adrian

How important is it to have an accurate understanding of the Person of Christ? "There is no salvation apart from a true knowledge of Him." All men should desire and diligently pursue wisdom. Where is wisdom to be found? "In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Colossians 2:3. The Apostle Peter exhorts believers to "...grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3:18. Our Lord and Savior is both God and man united in one person.

Assurance by J.C. Ryle

J.C. Ryle
Joseph J. Adrian

In the chapter, "An Assured Hope Is A True And Scriptural Thing," J.C. Ryle notes that "The Roman Catholic Church" rejects and condemns the notion that any believer can have a confident, settled assurance that Christ has saved them and their soul shall never perish. He then gives this great insight as to why the Roman Church rejects this teaching-—"It offends and annoys them to hear of it. They do not like others to feel comfortable and sure, because they never feel so themselves." The Roman Church is not alone in their dismissal of this doctrine.

An Alarm to the Unconverted

An Alarm to the Unconverted
Joseph Alleine
Joseph J. Adrian

There is a great change that takes place when anyone is converted. Before conversion, a conscious awareness of God is not present in their mindset, but the new creature in Christ Jesus alters "The bias of the will"——"Now the man has new ends and designs. He now intends God above all, and desires and designs . . . that Christ may be magnified, in him." What brings happiness to an individual? Before being reconciled to his Maker, a man's all in all is to please himself.

The Life Of Faith by A.W. Pink

The Life Of Faith
A.W. Pink
Joseph J. Adrian

The first chapter, "The Design of the Atonement," which originally appeared in "Studies in the Scriptures" and later as a book (Pink's extraordinary work on the atoning work of Christ—"The Satisfaction of Christ"), I don't believe was titled by Pink himself, as it was first published in book form in 1955, three years after Pink's death.

The Holiness Of God by R.C. Sproul

The Holiness Of God
R.C. Sproul
Joseph J. Adrian

An area in which R.C. Sproul was uniquely gifted can be seen in the first book he wrote (it should be considered a classic in Christian literature)—The Holiness of God. His ability to seamlessly integrate Theology, Philosophy, and Church History is on display throughout the book. In thinking about Creation, he begins to expose the utter folly of an Atheistic view of Creation-"There are modern theorists who believe that the world was created by nothing." If there is no God, then there is no Creator, then how did the world come into being? The Christian believes in the miraculous.

How Can I Be Right With God by R.C. Sproul

How Can I Be Right With God
R.C. Sproul
Joseph J. Adrian

The Christian Faith has some teachings that are indispensable for one to be considered "A Christian Biblically." One of the most important questions that anyone can wrestle with is, "How can I, a sinful unholy creature, be reconciled to my Maker, who is a Thrice Holy God?" A correct understanding (that is to say, an accurate Biblical comprehension) of Justification by Faith Alone is (as Sproul puts it), "no mere academic issue". It is a matter of life and death, a matter of eternal life and eternal death.

The Thought of God by Maurice Roberts

The Thought Of God
Maurice Roberts
Joseph J. Adrian

I've had the privilege of sitting under the preaching of Maurice Roberts on several occasions in the early to mid-1990s. He is one of the most gifted preachers I've ever heard in person. He was the Editor of The Banner Of Truth magazine from the late 1980s through the early 2000s. His lead articles in those years are especially helpful in discerning some of the weaknesses of Christianity in our generation.

Stop Loving the World by William Greenhill

Stop Loving the World
William Greenhill
Joseph J. Adrian

1 John 2:15 gives a prohibition to those who love God not to love the World. Are Christians often tempted to an inordinate love to the World? Absolutely! The three great adversaries of believers are the World, the Flesh, and the Devil. Fallen man has a natural disposition to love this world. The remnants of this abide with believers, throughout this life, but the grace of God enables "Lover's of God" to overcome this enemy of their souls. Why is this prohibition given? Is it possible for believers to love God and the world? It is not!