Gospel Evidences of Saving Faith by John Owen

Gospel Evidences of Saving Faith
John Owen
Joseph J. Adrian

John Owen, a 17th-century Puritan minister, is considered by many to be among the greatest theologians in the history of the Church. In this work on faith, Owen gives us four things that distinguish "Saving Faith" from empty faith. The first is embracing Christ as God's only appointed way of salvation.

The Doctrine Of Man's Future Eternity

The Doctrine Of Man's Future Eternity by John Jackson
John Jackson
Joseph J. Adrian

John Jackson, a 17th-century Puritan Pastor, opens with six principles regarding the human soul. A couple of these are: 1. Every person consists of a body and soul joined together. 2. Every soul is immortal. These are important truths in our generation, especially because so many in the world in which we live either deny the immortality of the soul, deny the existence of the soul altogether, or live as if they have no soul (even if they don't verbally deny it).

A Treatise Of The Loves Of Christ To His Spouse by Samuel Bolton

A Treatise Of The Loves Of Christ To His Spouse
Samuel Bolton
Joseph J. Adrian

In his insightful introduction to Samuel Bolton's exposition of The Song Of Solomon 4:9 "Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse . . . ," C. Matthew Mcmahon writes" . . . He is taken by the beauties and graces of His people . . . Christ is taken with such grace because it is Christ in them . . . ."

Remembering Your Creator by Matthew Mead

Remembering Your Creator
Matthew Mead
Joseph J. Adrian

Matthew Mead——the popular Puritan Preacher——begins his exposition of Ecclesiastes 12:1 by isolating the two great duties of the Christian life, ". . . to cease to do evil and to learn to do well." This 17th-century Minister of the Gospel has this great insight (that should seem obvious, yet I found it to be profound): "A man cannot be considered good that does not cease to do evil." No believer successfully ceases to do evil altogether. If that were possible, then sinless perfection would be attainable in this life, but it is not.

The Duty Of Reformation In The Light Of God's Mercies by Thomas Gouge

The Duty Of Reformation In The Light Of God's Mercies
Thomas Gouge
Joseph J. Adrian

How important is the holiness of His people to our Sovereign Lord? What are the most effectual means (revealing God's great wisdom) to bring about this desired end? Thomas Gouge, in this extraordinary work on Reformation, asserts that God's delivering mercies has this end in view——"The design of God in delivering a people from eminent dangers of ruin, is to oblige them to forsake all sinful and wicked practices." Believer's should increasingly desire to do God's will, to honor Him in all things, to intensely desire to live for His glory, to conform all of their ways to His holy word.

The Excellent Name Of God by Jeremiah Burroughs

The Excellent Name Of God
Jeremiah Burroughs
Joseph J. Adrian

Jeremiah Burroughs was one of the eminent Westminster Divines. He was very influential in his day and many of his books are still in print. This recent publication by Puritan Publications consists of several sermons on Psalm 148:13 "Let them praise the name of the LORD for His name alone is excellent, His glory is above the earth and heaven."

How Should We Eye Eternity That It May Have It's Due Influence Upon Us? by Thomas Doolittle

How Should We Eye Eternity That It May Have It's Due Influence Upon Us?
Thomas Doolittle
Joseph J. Adrian

How does "The Eye Of Faith" view eternal realities? "Faith so looks at things that are far off, that they have a kind of mental intellectual existence; though absent, as if they were present; being promised. As sure as if they were already possessed."

A principle that Thomas Doolittle gives us is, "Let unseen, eternal things be the first that you look at." Thus "unseen things" should have the priority of our thoughts, care, and diligent endeavors. . . ." If we are wise, we will be determined to prioritize "seeking the Kingdom of God."

The Christian's Duty To Forsake All For Jesus Christ

The Christian's Duty To Forsake All For Jesus Christ
Thomas Mocket
Joseph J. Adrian

In The Christian's Duty To Forsake All For Jesus Christ, Puritan Pastor, Thomas Mockett, launches a nuclear attack against an error that has permeated God's Church (dressed in different garb) throughout the centuries. One of the disguises in our day (designed to destroy men's souls) is the teaching that Christ can be your Savior but submission to Him as Lord is up to you, it is not a necessity. If Mockett is correct, then the disciples of Christ must be willing to forsake all for Him. I'm sure he stands on an unshakeable biblical foundation.

Drawing Near To God My Portion Forever

Drawing Near To God My Portion Forever by Thomas Boston et al
Thomas Boston et al
Joseph J. Adrian

For anyone who is in Christ, their chief desire should be "To Draw Near To Their God." The language of their heart ought to echo that of the Psalmist——"Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee!" John Calvin hit the bullseye in his Institutes when he set forth man's two greatest priorities in life——to know God and know yourself.

God's Way Of Holiness by Horatius Bonar

God's Way Of Holiness
Horatius Bonar
Joseph J. Adrian

All those who are "Believing in Christ" are called to "A New Life," a life of holiness——". . . life wrought out of death, by the death of "The Prince Of Life." "God spared not 'His Only Son' and uses His power, wisdom, and love to rescue us from the dominion of sin and make us partakers of this new life——no longer under law but now under grace. Are we given a new mind, new intellect, a new body? No. They are the same yet, . . . the old man is slain, the new man lives." A Christian now thinks differently of himself because his mind has been renewed by the Spirit of God.